
Physical Therapy
​Serial Casting
Follow-up after Botox injections, Baclofen pump placement, and dorsal spinal rhizotomies
Lower extremity splinting
Splinting/ Orthotic Management
Custom Wheelchair and other equipment evaluations and needs
Gross-motor delays
Gait disturbance
Neurodevelopmental Training (NDT), Sensory Integration (SI) activities
Partial Weight Bearing Treadmill Training
Taping for Neuromascual Disorders
Dafo®/Orthotic Management
Board Certified Specialist with American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties
Occupational Therapy​
Fine Motor Delays
Upper Extremity Strength and Range of Motion
Sensory Integration
Somatosensory Processing (touch and proprioception)
Vestibular Processing
Eye-hand coordination
Motor Planning or Praxis
Visual Perceptual Deficits
Assistive Technology
Handwriting Dysfunctions
Upper Extrimity splinting
Activities of Daily Living
Assessment of Adaptive Equipment
Cognitive Deficits
Speech Language Therapy
Articulation/ Phonology
Expressive/ receptive language
Dysphagia/ Feeding
Oral aversion
Oral-motor function
Dysfluency (Stuttering)
Augmentative Communication
Auditory Processing
Hearing Impairment (cochlear impant or hearing aid use)
Pragmatics/Social Language Use
VitalStim Therapy
Apraxia Tongue Thrust
Sampling of Diagnoses Treated
Developmental Delays
Congenital Syndromes
Cerebral Palsy
Brain/Head injuries, stroke
Orthopedic Conditions
Sports injuries
Neurological Disorders
Spinal Cord Injuries
Spina Bifida
Specialty Services
Animal Assisted Therapy with Therapet Foundation
Monthly Equipment Clinics
"The service my daughter has received have been wonderful! The staff is so knowledgeable regarding her condition and offered many tips on stretching and exercising that we could do at home. They also made therapy SO FUN for my daughter, she looks forward to going to every appointment."
- Jamie Duvak